Articles on: Create an assesment

Create and configure a question in an assessment

Assessment questions

1. To create a question, head to your assessment

Click on the pink “add question” button below your introductory content, a pane will open on the right-hand side of the screen.

2. Write your question

Write your question, including right and wrong answers.

If your question has more than one correct answer, select “Multiple choice” from the drop-down menu above the add question box.

3. Configure your question

Below the wrong answers, you can set the options for your question.

Time limit: this is the time you give participants to answer the question. If you don't want to apply a time constraint, you can deactivate this option. The timing can also be set under the general settings for all assessment questions.

Correction scale:

Add visual media: you can add an image to illustrate your question.

Customize the question types: you can choose the type of game generated for each individual question. In the assessment settings, you can also choose the types of games generated for all assessment questions.

4. Validate your question

Once you’ve completed all the fields and options, click the “confirm” button: your question is now created!

Updated on: 23/12/2021

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