Translate module content
Translate module content
Do you need to publish your e-learning in another language? If so, you'll need to get your module translated! Let’s take a look.
1. To translate a module's contents, head to the studio
Identify the module you want to translate.
We suggest duplicating your module before getting it translated, so that you have a back-up of the original content. Duplicating a module is also the only way to change the language of automatic instructions for Teach Up games and buttons (for example, the “Continue” button).
2. Go to your module options and select “Translation”
Click on the menu option via the three dots on the top-right of the module thumbnail (see screenshot below) or to the right of your module in list display.
3. Export your module content
Under the translation menu, select “Export content item”. This option automatically downloads an Excel file containing all of the module's text.
If you’ve integrated images with text or documents (.pdf, .ppt), remember to add them too, as they aren't included in the Excel.
4. Translate your content
Translate your module content directly in the Excel file.
Be careful to keep the text source and place the translation in Column G (“Translation”) in the file. In order to conserve any interactions added to your text using the smart highlighter, remember to retain all of the tags, such as <k1>, </k1>.
Do not modify any other elements in the file.
5. Load your translated Excel file into your module by clicking on “Translation” then on “Import content item”
Click on the option menu at the top right of your module thumbnail (see screenshot below) or on the right of your module in list view.
Add your file in the dialogue box that opens and click “Import”. The processing time will depend on the size of your module.
A message will display on the bottom right of your screen once the translation has been successfully integrated.
If you’ve translated images or document content (.pdf, .ppt), remember to add them back into your module manually.
Updated on: 29/12/2021
Thank you!