Teach Up Help Center
The course
Get started on Teach Up
Get started
Useful information
Manage the Teach Up Account
Manage accesses
Intregrations and comptability
Data protection
Accessibility and Languages on Teach Up
Manage content on Teach Up
Manage and organize the studio
Create on Teach Up
The course
The assessment
Content to include in a course or an assessment
The training path
Test, validate, and modify an activity
AI in Teach Up
Distribute trainings
Direct access link
Automatic reminders
Managing participants
Participants and the learning space
Analyze impact
Time calculation in Teach Up
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Teach Up Help Center
Create on Teach Up
The course
Get started on Teach Up
Get started
Useful information
Manage the Teach Up Account
Manage accesses
Intregrations and comptability
Data protection
Accessibility and Languages on Teach Up
Manage content on Teach Up
Manage and organize the studio
Create on Teach Up
The course
The assessment
Content to include in a course or an assessment
The training path
Test, validate, and modify an activity
AI in Teach Up
Distribute trainings
Direct access link
Automatic reminders
Managing participants
Participants and the learning space
Analyze impact
Time calculation in Teach Up
Create on Teach Up
How to design courses, assessments, or training paths.
The course
Customize a course homepage
Create and configure a knowledge question in a course
Understand the different learning activities within a course
Configure the last page of a course
Generate content within a course with the AI Assistant
Hyper-memorization in a knowledge question
See more
The assessment
Configure the last page of an assessment
Create and configure a question in an assessment
Configure global assessment settings
Create and configure subsections within an assessment
Content to include in a course or an assessment
11 types of content to insert in a course or assessment
Insert a link (URL)
Insert and manage a discussion board
Insert an audio file
Insert a file to download
Insert a document
Insert a survey
Insert an image
Insert a list
Insert a form
Insert a video
Insert text
See more
The training path
Configure macro-adaptive in a training path
Insert a SCORM Package within a training path
Test, validate, and modify an activity
Configure the training certificates
Configure and share the review link
Modify a course, an assessment, or training path after distribution
Test content on Teach Up (module, assessment, and training path)
AI in Teach Up
Configure the AI coach for participants
Generative AIs in Teach Up