Create module sub-sections
To divide your module up into multiple themes or stages, you can create sub-sections. Learn how:
Next, click “Create a subsection”. This button is always located below the last content page.
Adding sub-sections will help structure your module. We suggest adding one or two for a short experience.
Add a title and new background if you wish (otherwise, Teach Up will automatically apply the general background for your module). You can also deleted a sub-section by clicking on “delete the entire section”.
Careful, deleting a sub-section will also automatically delete all of its content.
You can move a sub-section by simply clicking and dragging it to a different spot in the module.
Dragging a section to a new position will also move all of its content.
1. To create sub-sections in a module, head to the module overview
Next, click “Create a subsection”. This button is always located below the last content page.
Adding sub-sections will help structure your module. We suggest adding one or two for a short experience.
2. Customise a sub-section
Add a title and new background if you wish (otherwise, Teach Up will automatically apply the general background for your module). You can also deleted a sub-section by clicking on “delete the entire section”.
Careful, deleting a sub-section will also automatically delete all of its content.
3. Move a sub-section (optional)
You can move a sub-section by simply clicking and dragging it to a different spot in the module.
Dragging a section to a new position will also move all of its content.
Updated on: 23/12/2021
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