Subsections allow you to organize your assessment into distinct sections, making it easier to structure questions and content. This guide explains how to add, customize, and configure subsections in your assessment.
Add a new subsection
To add a new subsection, follow these steps:
Click on “Create a subsection” at the bottom of your assessment tree.
Give your subsection a name.
The title of each subsection will be visible to participants.
Configure a Subsection
To start configuring your subsection, follow these steps:
Click on the gear-shaped button
at the top right of the “Subsection Settings” section.
In an assessment, settings follow a strict hierarchy to determine their application. These settings cover three main elements: question format, draw order, and response time.
Hierarchy of Settings:
- Individual Question Settings: highest priority. If a parameter (format, order, time) is set for a question, it overrides the settings for subsections and the overall assessment.
- Subsection Settings: intermediate priority. Parameters defined at the subsection level override the global settings but can be further modified at the question level.
- Global Settings: default. These apply to the entire assessment unless specific subsections or questions have different settings.
Set the General Draw Order
To set the general draw order, choose one of the following options:
- Linear Draw: questions are presented in order.
- Random: questions from the subsection will appear in random order.
Set the Response Time
To set a response time limit for all your questions, follow these steps:
- Specify a default response time for each question.
- If you do not wish to impose a time limit, set the time to 0.
Define Score Conditioning
It is possible to condition the score of an assessment by setting a threshold at which a participant is considered to have passed or failed. You can also customize messages displayed based on the score achieved. These messages will appear on the participant's end screen.
Move a Subsection
If you want to rearrange subsections in your assessment, follow these steps:
- Access the assessment tree.
- Click and hold the title of the subsection you want to move.
- Drag the subsection up or down to the desired location within your assessment structure.
Click on the image to open it in a new tab
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