If you already have training materials in PDF, PPT, or Word format that you’d like to share in your activities, you can easily integrate them into Teach Up by following the steps below.
Table of Contents
- Add a document
- Select document pages
- Add a title
- Replace or delete pages (optional)
- Frequently Asked Questions
Documents can be integrated within a course or an assessment.
Add a document
To add a document to your course, follow these steps:
- Click the “Add” button in the content addition bar.
- Select “Document
- Upload your document using one of the following methods:
- Option 1: Click “Upload a document (PDF, PowerPoint, or Word)”. A window will open, allowing you to select the folder and the desired document from your computer.
- Option 2: Drag and drop your document from your computer’s folder into the designated area.
Select document pages
- Click on the pages you want to include in your course.
- To select all pages, click “All” at the top of the window.
- Confirm your selection by clicking “OK”.
Click on the image to open it in a new tab
Add a title
In the title field, add a title to your document to make it identifiable within your course.
Replace or delete pages (optional)
To replace a page, follow these steps:
- Click the “Edit” icon next to the page you want to modify.
- Upload a new page to replace the selected one. Only that specific page will be modified.
To delete one or more pages, click the “Delete” icon next to the page you wish to remove.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between “document” and “file to download” in Teach Up?
Inserting a document allows you to display the document directly within the course, while inserting a downloadable document allows participants to download the file directly.