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Insert a survey

Surveys are an effective way to collect opinions, preferences, or information from participants, while also fostering connections between them.


The survey can be integrated into a course or an assessment.

Insert a survey

To insert a survey, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the "Add" button in the content bar.
  2. Select "Social socialbleu" and then choose "Survey poll_blue"
  3. Write your question and the response options. You can add as many options as necessary.

The survey from the participant's perspective

Participants select the option that applies to them the most or can enter their own answer if the survey is configured with the free response option. Once they submit their choice, they can view the percentage breakdown of responses based on the previous participants' answers. If an explanation was added to the survey, it will appear after the results are displayed.

survey_participant-1Click the image to open it in a new tab

Configure the survey

Once your survey is created, you can configure it according to your specific needs.

Add an explanation (optional)

If you wish to provide participants with additional context or feedback after they respond to the survey, click the light bulb icon to add an explanation.

It is recommended to add an explanation as it offers feedback to participants while ensuring a smooth transition with the rest of the course.

Set up the survey (optional)

To further customize your survey, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the gear icon parameterSmall to access the survey settings.
  2. You can configure the following options:
    • "Allow an alternative response": Enable this option to let participants write their own answer.
    • "Single response": Enable this option to restrict participants to choosing only one option from the provided choices.

Associate an image with the survey (optional)

To make your survey more engaging, you can add images by following the steps below:

  1. Click the image icon image.
  2. Enable the "Illustrate the question with an image" option.
  3. Upload or drag and drop one or more images.

The images will appear directly below the survey question. If multiple images are added, they will be displayed as a carousel (slideshow).

View survey responses as an author

To view the responses to your survey, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the dashboard by clicking the "Measure" tab.
  2. On the homepage, click "Questions".
  3. Scroll down to find the survey you want to review.
  4. Click the arrow next to the survey to view the responses.

Survey results are anonymous. If participants were allowed to select multiple options, the total percentage may exceed 100%.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can participants be required to answer the survey?
No, participants cannot be forced to answer the survey. They have the option to skip it. If you need mandatory responses to collect specific data, consider using a form instead.

Is it possible to identify individual participants' responses in a survey?
No, the responses are anonymous, so it is not possible to identify who submitted a specific answer.

Can participants see others' responses?
After completing the survey, participants can view a percentage breakdown of the responses. However, they will not see who responded or the total number of participants in the survey (as shown below).

Can participants see free responses provided by others?
When the free response option is enabled in a survey and participants submit their own answers, these will appear in the results under the "Other responses" category. However, the specific content of these responses is not displayed to other participants.