Send or transfer a course, assessment, or a training path


The "send copy" and "transfer" features are additional options. If you want to learn more, contact our support team.

Send a copy of a course, assessment, or training path

To send a copy of a course, assessment, or training path, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your studio's home page and locate the course or assessment you wish to copy.
  2. Click on the three dots "…" next to it.
  3. Select "Send a copy to…".
  4. Enter the recipient's email address(es).

Each copy will appear in the recipient's designer interface, and they will be notified via email. They can:

  • Edit,
  • Enhance,
  • Share,
  • Or redistribute the copy as they see fit.

Note: Sharing a copy does not affect your original content in any way. Ensure recipients have access to TeachUp as designers. Otherwise, they won’t be able to view the content.

Transfer a course or an assessment

To transfer a course, assessment, or training path:

  1. Go to your studio’s home page and locate the course or assessment.
  2. Click on the three dots "…" next to it.
  3. Select "Transfer the course to…".
  4. Enter the email address of the designer to whom you want to transfer the content.

Once transferred:

  • The course or assessment will appear in the recipient's designer interface.
  • You will lose access to the content in your interface. Make a copy beforehand if you wish to retain it for future use.

if the provided email does not correspond to an existing designer account, you will see: "The email address does not match any designer account."

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I duplicate a training path without affecting the original courses?
Yes, every copy is independent. Changes made to the copy will not affect the original courses.

Is it possible to transfer a training path to another designer?
Currently, direct transfers of training paths are not supported. Please contact our support team for assistance.