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Test content on Teach Up (module, assessment, and training path)

Tests on Teach Up allow you to preview the participant experience across various devices (mobile, tablet, or computer). These tests are not saved in participant data and do not appear on dashboards.

Table of Contents

Testing Specific Content in a Course or Assessment

To test specific content in a course, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “...” next to the content title.
  2. Select the option “Test this input.”
  3. Choose the device (mobile, tablet, or computer) where the participant will view the course.
  4. Once testing is complete, close the test window using the dedicated button in the top-right corner.

Test a text

In test mode, text appears with highlighted words in yellow, indicating available educational activities.

  • Click "Continue" to test each educational activity. Note that the participant will only see one activity, selected based on its relevance to their learning path (see more on Adaptive Learning).
  • Close the test window once complete.

Example of Testing Text Content: On the first page, yellow-highlighted words appear. By clicking "Continue," you can view the final rendering as it will appear to the participant, with the words transformed into educational activities (such as “words to find”).

Test an image 

To test an image, follow these steps:

  1. In preview mode, open each highlighted area on the image.
  2. Click "Continue" to test the enabled educational activities.
  3. Close the test window once complete.

Test a list

To test a list, follow these steps:

  1. In preview mode, expand each step of the list.
  2. Click "Continue" to test the enabled educational activity.
  3. Close the test window once complete.

Test a question in a Course or Assessment

To test a specific question in a course or assessment, follow these steps:

  1. Open the question settings window.
  2. Click on the “...” next to the question title.
  3. Select “Test this question.”
  4. Choose the educational activity format with which you want to test the question.
  5. Close the test window once complete. You can repeat the operation for each educational activity format.

Test an entire course or assessment

To test a complete course or assessment, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Test" button in the upper-left corner of your screen and choose the desired device (mobile, tablet, computer).
  2. You can also select the "Test" option in the slide-out menu next to the course or assessment on the left of your screen.

Note: This test interface provides an overview of the course or assessment. Testing a specific part of the course or assessment is not possible.

Test an entire training path

To test a complete training path, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Test" button in the upper-left corner of your screen and choose the desired device (mobile, tablet, computer).
  2. You can also select the "Test" option in the slide-out menu next to the training path on the left of your screen.

Since participant data is not saved in test mode, some parts of the training path that depend on the validation of a previous section may be inaccessible.

Recommendation: To test the full training path, it is advisable to make all sections accessible. To test access conditions, it is best to deploy the training path under real conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does using test options on Teach Up count toward participant licenses? No, no participant license is counted when using the test options on Teach Up.

Why does an error message appear when testing content in a course, assessment, or training path? An error message may appear if the designer, who also has a participant account with the same email address, has been excluded. Although tests do not use a license, Teach Up does not allow testing of participant experience if an exclusion has been detected. For more information, refer to the article on participant management or contact support at support@teachup.com.

Are tests on Teach Up saved in participant data? No, tests are not recorded and will not appear in participant data or dashboards.

Can the participant experience be tested on different devices? Yes, tests on Teach Up allow you to preview the participant experience on various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, or computers.

Why are some parts of the training path inaccessible in test mode? Since participant data is not saved in test mode, certain sections conditioned on the validation of a previous step may be inaccessible. To test the entire training path, make all sections accessible. To test access conditions, deploy the training path in real conditions.