Departments in Teach Up allow you to organize a studio into multiple autonomous sub-studios, referred to as "departments." Each department functions as an independent entity, consisting of:
- authors, who may be assigned exclusively to this department or to multiple departments.
- activities created in TeachUp, such as courses, assessments, and training paths.
This setup is particularly useful for teams collaborating within the same studio, as it allows each team to view only its relevant activities, facilitating better organization and streamlined collaboration. Additionally, departments help restrict access to modifications on specific productions, ensuring content security and an optimized structure.
Only account administrators and, if assigned, department managers, can manage and administer these departments.
Table of Contents
- Create a new department
- Assign departments to authors
- Link activities to a department
- Filter activities by department
- Edit a department
- Delete a department
- Frequently Asked Questions
This feature is available to users with the Departments option enabled.
Create a new department
By default, when the departments feature is activated, a single department, DPT 01, is created, with all authors and activities initially grouped under this department.
To create a new department:
- Go to the "Departments
" tab.
- Click on "+ New Department".
- Enter a name for your department (you can rename it later if necessary).
- Click on "Confirm".
Once created, the department will appear in the list. By default, it is empty; you must assign one or more authors to it for it to be functional.
Assign departments to authors
Assign departments to a single author
To assign a department to an individual author:
- Go to the "Authors
" tab in the main menu.
- Locate the author you want to assign, then click on the three dots on the right of their row.
- Select "Assigned Departments
" from the menu.
- Choose one or more departments to assign to the author.
- Click on "Confirm" to save.
The author will now have access to the activities within the assigned departments.
Assign departments to multiple Authors
To assign departments to multiple authors simultaneously:
- Click on "Select" at the top right of the authors list, then check the boxes next to the authors you want to assign.
- Click on the "Edit Departments" icon at the top right of your selection.
- Select the departments you wish to assign and click on "Confirm".
Link activities to a department
To assign a course, training path, or assessment to a department:
- Go to the "Activities" tab in the main menu.
- Locate the activity you want to assign, then click on the three dots on the right of its row.
- Select "Assigned Departments
" and choose the department from the list.
- Click on "Confirm" to save.
Filter activities by department
To view all activities assigned to a specific department:
- Go to the "Activities" tab in the main menu.
- Use the "Department" filter to select the department whose activities you wish to view.
- The activities within the selected department will display in the list.
Edit a department
To edit a department:
- Go to the "Departments
" tab in the main menu.
- Locate the department you want to edit, then click on the three dots on the right of its row.
- Select "Rename
" and make any necessary changes (name, managers, etc.).
- Click on "Save" to confirm the changes.
Delete a department
To delete a department:
- Go to the "Departments
" tab in the main menu.
- Locate the department you wish to delete, then click on the three dots on the right of its row.
- Select "Delete Department
" and confirm the deletion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can create and manage departments?
Only account administrators can create and manage departments. There can be multiple administrators per account.
Why can't I see the “Departments” tab?
If you do not see the "Departments " tab, the feature may not be activated, or you may not be an account administrator.
Can a department be renamed after it is created?
Yes, the name of a department can be modified after its creation.
How many departments can I create?
There is no fixed limit to the number of departments you can create in your Teach Up account.
Can an author be part of several departments?
Yes, an author can be part of one or more departments.