Set up automatic reminders

Once your course, assessment, or training path is completed, you can schedule automatic email reminders for your participants. These reminders help you stay in touch with your participants and encourage them to complete their training based on the criteria you set.

Table of Contents

Automatic reminders are only available with the Platform plan for activities distributed by assignment or direct access link.

Access automatic reminders

To set up automatic reminders, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Distribute” tab in the navigation sidebar.
  2. Click on the "mail-1  Automatic Reminders" tab. Here you will find all the reminders that have already been created.


    Click on the image to open it in a new tab

Create an automatic reminder

To create a new automatic reminder, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the plus-1 Add Reminder” button to open the scheduling window.
  2. Set up the reminder by following these steps:
    • Name the reminder: Give it a clear and descriptive name so you can easily find it later.
    • Target participants: Select participants based on their progress in the training.
    • Set the sending time: Choose the date or trigger event for sending the message.
    • Write the message: Use the templates provided by Teach Up or write your own message. You can test the email by clicking the "..." next to the reminder to see what participants will receive.
  3. Click "Save".

Tip: Although you can create unlimited reminders, we recommend limiting them to maximize effectiveness.

Manage and edit your reminders

To manage the reminders you’ve created, access the management options through the three-dot optionV icon to the right of each reminder. Here you will find the following options:

Edit the reminder

To edit a reminder, select the "Edit edit-1" button. Adjust the criteria or the content of the reminder. 

Participants who have already received the message will not be reminded again, even if the criteria are modified.

Send a sample email

To test or preview the reminder that will be sent to participants, select the "Send a test email mail-1" button.

Once selected, the test email will be sent to your email address.

Duplicate a reminder

To duplicate a reminder, select the "Duplicateduplicate-1" button.

Duplicating an existing reminder allows you to adapt it to new criteria or participants without having to reconfigure everything

Activate or deactivate a reminder

To deactivate a reminder, select the "Edit edit-1 " button and activate the "Inactive" option.
To reactivate a reminder, select the "Activate check-2" button.

Manage the reminder’s status based on your needs. A deactivated reminder will not be sent, but you can reactivate it at any time.

Export the list of sent emails

To export the list of reminder recipients, select the "List of sent emails download" button. An Excel file will be automatically downloaded. This file contains the list of participants who have received a reminder.

This can be useful for analyzing data or integrating it into other systems.

Delete a reminder

To delete a reminder, select the "Deletetrash_red" button.

This action is irreversible.

Understand the recipients of reminders

Automatic reminders apply according to the following rules:

  • Each participant will only receive a specific reminder once.
  • If you modify the criteria of a reminder, participants who have already received the message will not be reminded again. To target new criteria, create a new reminder.
  • Reminders apply to all participants assigned to an activity or those who started an activity freely through their Teach Up account.
  • Participants accessing training via another LMS through a SCORM export will not receive reminders.

Examples of how to use automatic reminders

Automatic reminders can be used in various ways:

  • Encourage starting the training: Prompt participants to get started.
  • Remind them of deadlines: Send reminders to complete the training on time.
  • Suggest additional resources: Send suggestions for readings or additional exercises.
  • Reactivate knowledge: Follow up post-training to reinforce learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I schedule recurring reminders until a training path is completed?

Since each reminder is only sent once, you will need to create multiple reminders with different intervals to maintain recurrence. For example, to send an email each week to participants who haven’t completed their training path, you can create reminders at D+7, D+14, D+21, etc.

Can participants unsubscribe from reminder emails?

Yes, participants can unsubscribe from Teach Up reminder emails. They simply need to click the "Stop receiving reminders" button at the bottom of a reminder email they’ve received.