Manually translate a course or an assessment

Translating courses or assessments allows you to share your e-learning content with a broader audience by adapting it to multiple languages. This enhances the accessibility and impact of your training.


Translate the Content of a Course or Assessment

To translate a course or assessment, follow the steps below. This article explains how to translate the content of courses or assessments. To translate buttons and commands, follow the instructions in this article.

Access Translation Options and Duplicate the Course

To access the translation options, follow these steps:

  1. Select the three dots in the upper-right corner of your course in thumbnail view or to the right in list view.
  2. Click on “Translate Content translate-1.
  3. Click on “Duplicate this Course”.
  4. Choose the language into which you want the course to be translated.

At this stage, only the navigation buttons will be translated into the chosen language. To translate the content, follow the instructions below.

Export the Content of the Course

To export the content of your course, follow these steps:

  1. In the translation menu, select “Export Content download.
  2. This option automatically downloads an Excel file containing all the text of your course.
  3. If you have integrated images with text or documents (.pdf, .ppt), gather them separately as they won't be included in the Excel file.

Translate the Content

We offer two methods for translating the content : 

  • Automatic Translation via Google Sheets

To translate content using Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Import the exported file from Teach Up into Google Sheets.
  2. In the “Translation” column, insert the following formula:
    In this formula, the original language is "fr" (French) and the target language is "en" (English). Make sure to adjust the language codes according to your needs. All language codes can be found in this article.
  3. Apply the formula to all rows to automatically translate your content.
  4. To maintain interactions added with the smart highlighter, ensure you keep tags like <k1>, </k1>.
  5. Do not modify any other elements of the file.
  6. Once the translation is complete, download your file in XLSX format.

  • Translation Using Excel

To translate content using Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Translate the content of your course directly in the Excel file.
  2. Keep the source text and insert the translation in column G (“Translation”).
  3. To preserve interactions added with the smart highlighter, ensure you keep tags like <k1>, </k1>.

    Do not modify any other elements of the file.
  4. Save your file as an XLSX.

Import the Translated Excel File

To reintegrate your translated Excel file into your course, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Translate Content translate-1 and then “Import Content upload to cloud-1.
  2. Drop your file into the dialog window that opens and click “Import”.
  3. Depending on the size of your course, the processing time will vary. A success message will appear in the lower-right corner of your screen once the translation is integrated.

If you have translated images or documents (.pdf, .ppt), make sure to manually reintegrate them into your course.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if an error occurs when translating a course?

Most errors are due to two main causes:

  • Module Changes: If the course changed between the time you exported the Excel file and when you launched the translation. Restart the translation process from the beginning with the new Excel export.
  • Missing Tags: Tags (elements in brackets) allow the interactivity to be reproduced. Ensure that all tags from the original content are present in the translated content before importing the Excel file.

How can I ensure that the interactivity tags are preserved correctly?

When translating, ensure that all tags like <k1>, </k1> remain intact in the translation column. Do not modify any other elements of the file to avoid import errors.

Is there a method to automatically translate courses?

Currently, it is not possible to automatically translate courses in Teach Up. Translations must be done via an Excel file.

Why are some languages marked as (AUTO)?

Languages marked as (AUTO) indicate that the course’s navigation buttons are translated, but their translations were generated by an automatic translator.