Understand the different learning activities within a course

Learning activities aim to make learning interactive and engaging, reinforcing knowledge through practice.

Table of contents

Types of learning activities for text content

Text-related learning activities are introduced ahead of reading, serving as an introduction.

👉 For detailed instructions on activating learning activities for text content, please consult this article.

TeachUp offers five types of learning activities specifically tailored for text elements:

Scratch activity

The participant clicks on a key word to reveal it.

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Fill-in-the-blank activity

The participant fills in the missing word in a sentence. This is best used for reviewing concepts participants are already familiar with.

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Drag and drop activity

The participant drags and drops words into the correct places within the text.

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Choices in the list activity

The participant selects the correct answer from a dropdown list.

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Find a error activity

The participant crosses out errors in the text.

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Types of learning activities for images

Image-related learning activities are introduced ahead of the image, serving as an introduction.

👉 For detailed instructions on activating learning activities for image content, please consult this article.

Find areas activity

The participant must find and click on the designated area on the image.

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Name areas activity

The participant names the area on the image that Teach Up highlights. By default, the synonym dictionary is active to recognize similar answers.

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Types of learning activities for lists

List-related learning activities are introduced ahead of the list, serving as an introduction.

👉 For detailed instructions on activating learning activities for list content, please consult this article.

Match each title to its description

Participants match the correct title to its corresponding content (available for unordered lists).

Reorder list items

Participants arrange list items in the correct order.

Types of learning activities for knowledge questions or questions in an assessment

Knowledge questions are presented as learning activities to the participants. With the Adaptive Learning, these questions can appear in three different scenarios:

  • Immediately after the participant reviews the related content
  • In reinforcement phases between sections, if additional practice is needed
  • Not at all if the participant is already proficient


The participant writes a full answer. You can adjust the answer leniency settings.


The participant selects one or more correct answers from several options.

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Swipe Cards

Participants sort statements as true or false by dragging them to the correct side.

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💡 Activation Conditions: For the “Mystery Answer” activity to display to participants, it is necessary to create a question with:

  • at least one correct answer.

⚠️ The "swipe cards" activity displays correctly for participants when the question contains one correct and one incorrect answer.

However, the question will not appear if the answers include the following pairs of antonyms:

  • Yes / No
  • True / False
  • Agree / Disagree
  • Totally / Not at all

This rule was implemented to avoid confusion between these responses and the "True" and "False" buttons used in matching games.

If you want to use this type of question despite the restrictions, here are two possible solutions:

  1. Change the question type: switch to the "Multiple Choice" question type, which does not have this restriction.

  2. Adapt the displayed answers: rephrase the answers to avoid exact antonyms. For example: instead of "Yes / No," use "Yes, I agree" / "No, I don’t agree."

Mystery Card 

The participant selects one of three cards, one of which is hidden. If none of the displayed answers seems correct, they can flip the hidden card to discover it.

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💡 Activation Conditions: For the “Mystery CarR” activity to display to participants, it is necessary to create a question with:

  • only one correct answer and at least two incorrect answers.
  • Responses must be under 100 characters.

Words master 

 The participant has three attempts to complete the correct answer. After each attempt, Teach Up keeps the correct letters to assist with the next try.

💡 Activation Conditions: For the “Words Master” activity to display to participants, it is necessary to create:

  • a simple question with only one correct answer of fewer than seven words.

Word search puzzle

The participant searches for a word within a grid by selecting the first and last letters. This grid may contain multiple correct answers.

💡 Activation Conditions: For the “Word Search Puzzle” activity to display to participants, it is necessary to create a question with:

  • only one correct answer and at least one incorrect answer.
  • Answers must be single words (not word groups) between 2 and 10 letters.

Hidden answer 

The participant chooses the correct answer based on a full text, selecting the hidden correct answer within a single word.

💡 Activation Conditions: For the “Hidden Answer” activity to display to participants, it is necessary to create a simple question with a correct answer. The correct answer must be embedded in the text as a single word, without word groups or phrases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Section coming soon